Wednesday 30 May 2012

Five things you didn't know about me

  • My childhood smelled like a play-doh modeling compound, coz’ I was a scatter-brained artist . It was December 26th - my parents placed the play-doh kitchen set under the Christmas tree.
  • I was 5 years old when my father bought me my first karaoke set. I was singing (completely out of tune) and dancing without restraint.
  • I spent my whole childhood with my twin cousins.
  • I dreamt about being a doctor and marrying John Carter (ER TV series).
  • I used to cut off my Barbie dolls hair instead of styling them.


  1. I can picture you doing this to these poor Barbie dolls! You blond barbarian! You were prettier when you were younger (yes, you can always rely on my kindness) :D

  2. Great! The comments are even funnier than the pictures :D
